An association of patient care facilities
- Provide industry members with accurate operating benchmarks to help them improve their profitability and overall performance
- Convey to members the association’s concern for the members’ success
- Provide a valuable member benefit
Initially, Industry Insights researched the association’s industry and spoke with key industry members. Using this information and 25 years of experience as its guide, Industry Insights developed an initial survey draft. Since members had voiced complaints about the complexity of the association’s previous surveys, Industry Insights simplified the form to include only basic income statement and balance sheet data. Further, participants were given the option of simply attaching their financial statements to their forms to be completed by Industry Insights’ financial analysts.
Two Industry Insights representatives met with the association’s survey task force at its annual convention. In addition to leading a survey-development session with the task force, Industry Insights’ representatives provided a “Kick-off” presentation at a general session to promote awareness about the upcoming survey.
After the survey was launched, all received forms underwent thorough examination by Industry Insights’ analysts using our proprietary software to ensure that all data were valid and reasonable. Once all inconsistencies were corrected, the data was compiled and thoroughly analyzed.
Industry Insights provided the survey’s key findings in a full industry report, which included an executive summary as well as detailed statistical tables showing the data broken down by various respondent characteristics, such as size, geographic region, profitability, etc. The industry report was provided to all survey participants (both association members and non-members).
As a special benefit to association member participants, each was provided with an individual Company Performance Report (CPR) giving a quick analysis of how well the company compared to the groupings it most closely resembled (e.g., revenue size, geographic region, patient focus, etc.).
A 90-minute presentation of key findings was provided to all industry members at a general session during the association’s annual convention. Also, individual, 30-minute, one-on-one consultations were provided by an Industry Insights analyst over a 2-day period at the convention. These sessions were available by appointment to all association member participants who wished to learn more about using their CPR to improve performance and increase profitability.
Due to a simplified survey form and an effective reminder campaign, the survey more than doubled its number of participants from the association’s most recent survey attempt.
The association’s membership expressed strong appreciation for the study’s findings. Over 20 companies attended one-on-one sessions at the convention.